Special Education Plan

Lakehead School Board has worked in consultation with parents, teachers and the community to develop a comprehensive Special Education Plan. If you have questions about policies, procedures and practices regarding exceptional students, you will want to explore this document.

  • Mission Statement
  • Aims of Education
  • Special Education Service Delivery Model
  • Education Act, Charter of Rights & Ontario Human Rights Code
  • Ministry of Education
  • School Board
  • Special Education Advisory Committee (91̽»¨app)
  • Principals and Teachers
  • Parents/Guardians
  • Students
  • Guiding Principles for Early Learning
  • Early Identification Procedures
  • Teacher’s Role in Early Learning
  • Parent’s Role in Early Learning
  • The Referral Process
  • Programs that Support Intervention
  • The IPRC Process/Procedure
  • The Referral Process
  • The Appeal Process
  • Special Education Tribunals
  • Special Education Guide for Parents & Students
  • Sample IPRC Format for Principals
  • Identification, Placement, and Review Committee Forms
  • Purpose of Assessment
  • Types of Assessments
  • What do Assessments Involve?
  • How are Assessments Used?
  • Protocols for Sharing Information
  • Assessment Tools
  • Authorization Form
  • Summary of Services Provided to the School Board
  • Board Procedures
  • Community Care Access Centre Referrals
  • Eligibility
  • Case Conference/Written Care Plan
  • Evaluation
  • Plan for Continuation of Services or Discharge
  • Model of Provision of School Health Support Services
  • Ministry Categories and Definitions of Exceptionalities
  • Ontario’s Approach to Special Education
  • Special Education Programs in 91̽»¨app
  • An Overview of the Ministry of Education Categories of Exceptionalities
  • 91̽»¨app Programs
  • Current Regulatory and Policy Context for IEPs
  • What is an IEP?
  • Reasons for Developing an IEP
  • Implementation Plan
  • Dispute Resolution
  • The IEP Process
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Checklist of Standards for IEP
  • Programs and Services offered by Provincial and Demonstration Schools
  • Admission Procedures
  • 91̽»¨app and Provincial Demonstration School
  • Elementary and Secondary Special Education Staff
  • Role Descriptions
  • Goals of Staff Development
  • Input and Priorities
  • Partnerships
  • Communication
  • Budget Allocation
  • Staff Development Overview
  • How the Board Determines if a Student Requires Individual Equipment
  • Examples of Eligible Needs
  • SEA Claims Guide
  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Compliance
  • 91̽»¨app Policies and Procedures
  • Transportation of Exceptional Students
  • Safety Criteria for Bus Operators
  • School Bus Transportation Safety Initiatives
  • What is 91̽»¨app?
  • When does 91̽»¨app meet and who can attend?
  • How does 91̽»¨app Help Parents?
  • What are the Roles and Responsibilities of 91̽»¨app?
  • Who is 91̽»¨app?
  • How do I get Involved with 91̽»¨app?
  • How do I become a member of 91̽»¨app?
  • How to contact 91̽»¨app for more Information
  • Elementary/Secondary Transition Planning Process
  • Grade 8 Students with IEPs form
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