The 91探花app has recognized the importance of working with the Indigenous community by establishing Miiniwewinan: Indigenous Education Advisory Committee (IEAC) in November 2004. The Committee is comprised of six Indigenous parents/guardians, an Indigenous youth, Indigenous agencies, a Trustee, an Elder and internal Lakehead Public Schools staff. It should be included that representation from both teachers unions are on the committee (LETO and OSSTF).

MISSION STATEMENT: 鈥淐onnecting for Success鈥

The mandate of Miiniwewinan: Indigenous Education Advisory Committee (IEAC) is to advise the Board on matters relating to the education of Indigenous students.

The mandate also includes:

  • Increasing the cultural awareness of all Board Trustees and personnel through professional development and/or other related activities.
  • Expanding the awareness of effective programs for the educational needs of Indigenous students.
  • Facilitating initiatives for all Indigenous students.
  • Providing advice on initiatives including, but not limited to, student programs, Indigenous studies, student retention and alternative education programs.
  • Developing and enhancing partnerships with community based agencies that support Indigenous students and their families.
  • Responding to the Board on requests for advice and recommendations on matters that the Board may direct to the committee.
  • Advocating both provincially and locally for specific needs of Indigenous students.
  • Identifying community issues that impact education.
  • Responding to other initiatives as they arise.

New Indigenous education initiatives and projects are shared with this group for consultation and feedback. In addition, the group provides advice on the Board鈥檚 direction in terms of Indigenous Education and provides input to the Board鈥檚 budget process.

The Miiniwewinan: Indigenous Education Advisory Committee (IEAC) meetings are held from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on the following dates for the 2023-2024 school year:

Thursday, September 21, 2023
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Thursday, April 25, 2024
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Location: Microsoft Teams


Current IEAC Members:


  • Serena Essex
  • Anika Guthrie


  • Kathy Beardy
  • Shelby Ch鈥檔g
  • Elliott Cromarty
  • Emily Drake (Indigenous Student Trustee)
  • Tisha Duncan (Student Representative)
  • Patricia Johansen (Trustee)
  • Anna Fern Kakegamic
  • Sharon Kanutski
  • Cheryl King-Zewiec
  • Leanna Marshall
  • Gerry Martin (Elder)
  • Brent Parres
  • Morning Star Tom
  • Yolanda Wanakamik
  • Scottie Wemigwans (Indigenous Trustee)


  • Myra Bannon
  • Ellen Chambers (Trustee)
  • Dinah Jung
  • Ryan Sitch (Trustee)
  • Renee Tookenay (Knowledge Keeper)
  • Leland Waboose (Student Representative)


  • Jacqueline Corbett
  • Anthony Jeethan
  • Tanya Moses
  • Dave Paddington
  • Jasmine Sgambelluri
  • Meghan Smelow
  • Fred Van Elburg
  • Neil Workman


Anika Guthrie,
Principal of Indigenous Education

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