Fifth Graders Interview Bestselling Canadian Historical Fiction Author

At Woodcrest Public School, Mrs. Liggins’ love for reading inspired a learning opportunity for her grade 5 class. Canadian bestselling…

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Woodcrest Student Wins Big in National Minecraft Competition

In 2020, it’s known that having coding and computer skills will eventually pay off. For Lakehead Public Schools’ very own…

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Outdoor learning at its best!

At McKenzie Public School, fresh air was combined with math, measuring and exercise to make an outdoor learning activity unforgettable.…

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School Bus Driver Appreciation Day – Oct 21

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McKenzie Public School shines in Terry Fox School Run

This year, the Terry Fox Foundation celebrated its 40th Anniversary of Terry’s Marathon of Hope. The special Terry Fox School…

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In The News

New Superintendent of Business Announced

At today’s Special Board Meeting, the Lakehead Public School Board approved the recommendation to appoint Kirsti Alaksa to the position…

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In The News

École Gron Morgan welcomes back students

École Gron Morgan welcomes back students and staff who were self-isolating after notification of a student with a confirmed case…

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Secondary Update

November 11th is the first of 3 set dates where secondary students can move between remote and in-person learning. Facilitating…

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Orange Shirt Day

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Important Information for Elementary Families

October 13 is the first of 3 set dates where Elementary students can move between remote and in-person learning. Facilitating…

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