Recent News
Dear Lakehead Public Schools Families and Staff, We are excited to welcome you back to the new school year. We…
Students, staff, and visitors are encouraged to use the Ontario School and Child Care Screening tool before they attend a…
PARENT INVOLVEMENT COMMITTEE 2022-2023 91̽»¨app invites applications from interested public school supporters each year to serve on…
Back to school is generally associated with feelings of excitement and anticipation related to starting a new grade, seeing friends,…
Dear Lakehead Public Schools Families, We hope you have had a pleasant and restful summer as we anticipate the return…
The following information was posted on August 11th to advise of the virtual learning option available to Lakehead Public Schools…
On Tuesday, August 23rd, we will be holding our 17th Annual Charity Golf Tournament in support of the Lakehead Public…
Superior CVI is pleased to announce they have raised over $12,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society through the school’s Relay…
At the June 28, 2022 Regular Board Meeting, the 91̽»¨app approved its 2022-2023 Operating and Capital Budget.…
Today, June 21, is National Indigenous Peoples Day. This important day gives us all an opportunity to celebrate the diverse…